Athena at the forefront in the fight against Covid-19
Anna Luisa Spadari, Athena's Senior Partner, has recently deployed its expertise in the field of health management in the challenge posed by the Covid-19 emergency.
Dr. Michela Bezzi (Director of the Unità Operativa di Pneumologia ad indirizzo Endoscopico at ASST degli Spedali Civili di Brescia and study colleague of Dr. Spadari at SDA Bocconi ("Executive Master in Management delle Aziende Sanitarie e Socio-Assistenziali"), said to Via Sarfatti 25 (Bocconi's newspaper):
"Here with me, since the first day, there is Luisa Spadari, one of my colleagues at Emmas. Luisa is not a doctor, she normally advise private companies facing financial or operating crisis. She was authorised to work here and she helping me since the beginning of the emergency for the reorganitation of the hospital, without fear of danger."
Interview: "Il coronavirus non è solo un'emergenza sanitaria" (Via Sarfatti 25)
In addiction to Master EMMAS at SDA Bocconi, Dr. Spadari gratuated in Diploma Direttore di Azienda Sanitaria (DIAS) in Polis Lombardia, Accademia di formazione per il Servizio Socio Sanitario. This allowed her to access to the national list for the General Directors under D. Lgs. n. 171/2016.