Riccardo Andriolo
Senior partner
Chartered Accountant - Albo di Como: n. 735A
Chartered Auditor - Registro n. 136818
Graduated in Economia e Commercio - Università Insubria
Areas of expertise
He joined Athena in 2014, where he mainly deals with projects in Crisis Management and Risks & Controls areas, focusing on crisis management and resolution activity of entities under the supervision of Banca d’Italia and on strategic consulting, in particular for financial intermediaries. He is Adjunct Professor of "Strumenti di finanziamento per le imprese" at LUISS University and of "Investment Banking" at LUISS Business School. He was Adjunct Professor of "International Banking and Capital Markets II" at University of Rome Sapienza and of "Modeling Financial statement" at Free University of Bolzano.
He joins "Consiglio di disciplina" and he chairs "Commissione finanza d'impresa e controllo di gestione" at Como's ODCEC.
On appointment of Bank of Italy, he is Commissario Liquidatore of Prisma SGR in l.c.a. and Chairman of the Comitato di Sorveglianza of Tank SGR. He is sole Statutory Auditor or Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors and/or of Organismo di Vigilanza of some companies of ICCREA Cooperative Banking Group (including the holding, ICCREA Banca S.p.A.), of Clessidra Private Equity SGR S.p.A., of Clessidra Capital Credit SGR S.p.A., of Kervis SGR S.p.A. and other SME.
On appointment of Bank of Italy, he was Commissario of Speedymoney, Commissario straordinario (special administrator) of Prisma SGR in a.s., member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Nuova Carife, Member of the Comitato di Sorveglianza of Credito Sportivo and Chairman of the Comitato di Sorveglianza of IMEL.EU. He was CEO of Banco Metalli Preziosi da Investimento and CFO of a company listed at AIM Italia stock market. He was Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors of the listed company IMA S.p.A., and member of Organismo di Vigilanza of Ambromobiliare.
He is author or co-author of several articles in fiscal, corporate and accounting areas published by Ipsoa, Il Sole 24 Ore, and Banca Editrice.