Luigi Migliavacca
Senior partner
Chartered Accountant - Albo di Pavia: n. 49
Chartered Auditor - Registro n. 38252
Graduated in Economia e Commercio - Università di Pavia
Areas of expertise
Professor of Governance and Internal Control at the Economics Department and of Financial Statements and disclosure at the Law Department of Pavia University. He joined Athena in 2010, and he is mainly involved with Risks & Controls, Litigations & Disputes and Accounting & Business plans projects.
He was Partner in PwC for 25 years, where he worked in the Audit division, being involved in the audit of companies - including internationals and listed ones – as well as on deals, arbitrations and forensic audits.
He is Chairman or Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors or Organismo di Vigilanza in several entities: Edison Group, General Electric Group, Falk Group, Piccolo Teatro, Assirevi, University of Pavia.
He was Member of the Board of Directors of Ubi Pramerica and Cattolica Assicurazioni.
He was appointed as Antitrust Monitoring Trustee within the Bompiani and Marsilio forced disposal by Mondadori and he was Member of the Board of Directors of the “new” Fondazione Maugeri.
Among the publications he contributed to, we find: "Memento Contabile" e "Comparazione Principi Contabili Nazionali e Internazionali ".