Emilia Merlotti
Of counsel
Chartered Accountant - Albo di Milano: n. 9019
Chartered Auditor – Registro n. 172035
Ph.D in Economia Aziendale e Management - Università di Pavia
Areas of expertise
In Athena since 2010, she mainly deals with projects in Accounting & Business Plans and Risks & Controls areas. She is Lecturer at Bocconi University - Accounting Department. She is Director of the Master in Accounting, Auditing and Control (MAAC) and Member of the SDA Bocconi Auditing Observatory.
Among the publications she contributed to: "Financial Accounting Workbook", dal 2013; "Scoring Firms’ Codes of Ethics […]", 2015; "Comunicazione di bilancio nelle società non quotate", 2013; “I Servizi diversi dalla revisione contabile", dal 2009; "Fashion and Luxury Insight", 2015.